Twice-Baked Butternut Squash with Brie

A uniquely tasty encounter between the vegetal sweetness of the squash and the complex creaminess of Brie cheese. A drive out to a local farm to pick up the squash (and other fresh produce) will make this recipe an adventure.

Twice-Baked Butternut Squash with Brie Recipe


1 whole butternut squash, cut in half
2 tbsp olive oil
Salt to taste
1 tsp cinnamon
¼ cup brown sugar
½ cup heavy cream
½ cup or so of Brie (no harm in adding a little more!)


  1. Cut butternut squash in half, remove the seeds, and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, cinnamon, and sugar.
  2. Roast at 350 degrees until fork-tender and remove from oven; let cool until it is able to be handled.
  3. Scoop out the center flesh, leaving ¼- to ½-inch thick walls, and place scooped-out flesh into a bowl. Mix with heavy cream until you have a consistency similar to mashed potato, and place back into the hollowed- out squash.
  4. Top with Brie and more olive oil and bake at 400 degrees until cheese is melted and the squash starts to brown around the edges. Sprinkle with fresh sage and serve hot.

Recipe and Styling by Anna Calabrese / Story by Keith Recker / Photography by Dave Bryce / With Support from Buy Fresh, Buy Local of Western Pennsylvania 

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