Your New Moon in Scorpio Horoscope: November 2023

Our November new moon in Scorpio horoscope comes into view when the dark Moon renews its cycle on November 13th when it joins the Sun at 20° Scorpio at 4:27 AM EST. Mars, only two degrees ahead, is invisible as well under the glare of the Sun. On a base level the Sun emits its eternal light with volition. The Moon symbolizes solace and care for every cosmic nook and cranny of emotional and physical needs. Mars in its preferred nocturnal sign Scorpio, a fixed water sign historically portrayed by the wise serpent, shrewd scorpion, and fierce eagle. All three planets combined here are emblematic of the primordial life force and its inherent fragility.

Together in Scorpio the Moon, Sun and Mars firmly hold onto emotion, ego, drive and frustration. At times so tightly they implode into voids of delusion, rage, remorse and unforgiveness. So protective of our sore spots this configuration can be that we inhibit their own healing by destructively normalizing their numbing pain. Collectively, in life and practical terms this can lead to forms of secrecy, trolling, the silent treatment, outright “ghosting,” and much worse. Rather, it is a good time to practice sage action while opening spoiled feelings through forthcoming alchemical heart-to-heart discussions, bearing medicine in lieu of poison.

Our astrological balm in this new Moon in Scorpio lies in a thoughtful configuration between Venus who animates our senses and Mercury who wires our modes of communication. Venus recently entered the air sign Libra where it is influential as a morning star, considered a warrior of love. Mercury in fire sign Sagittarius tethers our heads, hearts and guts forming a trinity of boundless perception. Here, air fans the flames of compassion and deeply meaningful conversations. Venus and Mercury together see above, below and through every breathing soul’s story ever lived and told. They write in harmony the common aspirations of humanity in every language known, unbroken and free.


The new moon in Scorpio horoscope indicates that Mars, your planetary guide, takes its place in your eighth house of idling, trust and inheritance. There is a quiet urgency here to fully digest memories held not of your making that have haunted you for better or worse.  The last planet the Moon touched by aspect in your chart was Jupiter who guides your beliefs but also habits that undermine you. Mars in fixed water sign Scorpio is equipped to scan the rock bottom of your emotional wells with a whispered determination, questioning moments in the past that brought awareness of a loss of innocence. While reclaiming a sense of your inner child, you may feel fed up with limiting notions of mistrust that have bound you from otherwise fearless emotional expression.


Someone you are involved with romantically or platonically is suddenly taking up more space in your life. It may or may not not feel obvious as your guiding planet Venus is transiting your sixth house where we can suffer and stress under the effects of others. As the Moon and Sun conjoin near Mars in Scorpio in your seventh house of unions, notice where subtle imbalances of power may be hidden from view in an otherwise heartfelt relationship. Even if well intended, what may feel good for others in partnership may not be of interest to you. It is understandably tempting to ride the wave of excitement created by unions of passion. But as Venus is now in Libra you can operate on your own terms and with diplomacy. Be clear that a tendency here to please does not turn into blissful avoidance.


Mercury, your planetary guide who signifies you and the things that bring you comfort is in Sagittarius in your seventh house of other people. As it applies to a friendly aspect with Venus in your fifth house of “good-doing,” Mercury here can be hastily present for those near and dear. Mars, who guides your finances, is not visible in the night sky as it is too close to the Sun and Moon conjoining in your sixth house of efforts that do not pay off.  While you are compelled to be all things for all people this month your wells of personal resources may need some care and attention. During this new moon in Scorpio, consider deeply the condition of your finances or especially how certain spending patterns are in line with a sustainable lifestyle. If not finances, consider how your energy exchanges are leveling up in relationships as well.


This new moon in Scorpio falls in your fifth house of prolific growth. Here the Moon possesses a slightly unsettling feral fecundity. A creative itch to be scratched. The Moon as your personal guide in Scorpio is suspicious of its own creative potential. The Sun and Mars, also in Scorpio, ask how deep are you willing to go to steep in those fertile grounds where rousing visions appear in seething cauldrons of innovative nerve. As this configuration opposes Uranus in your eleventh house of friendships and accolades, be prepared to unnerve not only yourself but the expectations held by others of you as well.  As Mars, emboldened in Scorpio guides your calling and visibility, trust there is a destined reward for courageous but well considered risks taken at this time.


You exert copious amounts of energy gracing our world with your radiance. It can be easy to ignore the internal qualities of home where you spend little but potent time. As the Moon and Sun conjoin near Mars in Scorpio in your fourth house of home it is an auspicious time to lay low. Which contrary to your nature is advisable at this new Moon in Scorpio especially. While you’re at it check in on the neglected and unmentionable corners of your abode for evidence of unrest and decay. Attention and care paid to places where dankness and clutter collect will beget soul-nourishing revelations of depth and understanding. As you are guided by the everlasting Sun consider this a time to recharge your batteries and notice where they have leaked.

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You’re giving side eye to the gossip, rants and quarrelsome voices stewing in your third house of communication and familiar places. The Moon, Sun and Mars will conjoin in said house where the residue of infectious news and social media has transmuted into a venom you can no longer ignore. Mercury, your guiding planet is next door in Sagittarius in your fourth house of origins. Here you are “phoning home” where the subjective experience of lineage is written on ancestral winds. Here you discover an ancient well of knowledge and wisdom beyond the splintered scope of your current third house shenanigans. The fourth house activates a true voice offered only through attentive listening to the unending echo of multi generational memories.


The new Moon in Scorpio will occur in your second house of buried treasure. Topics of your divine talents, aspirations and relationships coincide here to support your physical well being. Venus, your planetary guide is strong in Libra in your first house of vitality. It is an auspicious time to reconsider relationships that have suffered from destined pursuits and the overwhelm of ensuring you can supply yourself with daily bread. As the Sun and Mars meet soon after the new Moon, revisit some of those relationships with tenderness and know when it is appropriate to make peace or respectfully let them go. Keep those close who understand you tend to share your gifts in reasoned and meaningful ways.


Others may convey something unnervingly clear about yourself during this new Moon in Scorpio in your first house of self. But as the Moon and Sun conjoin there a slew of providence and astral influence will anoint in a spellbinding reaction affecting your sense of determination. Recommended as Mars your planetary guide is, or awash in the Sun’s beams and will soon be reborn in the morning sky, begin now practicing your best offense in social dynamics or proactively meeting resistance to your changing circumstances with stealth effort. Levity from a supportive aspect with diffuse Neptune in your fifth house of pleasure, and be sure to have some, should prevent conditions from becoming too serious.


This new Moon in Scorpio is near Mars who guides your twelfth house of solitude, oblivion and languid states. Your planetary guide, nonchalant Jupiter in Taurus is still retrograde in your sixth house of fruitless efforts. The new Moon and the conjunction of Mars are two significations tacitly asking you to prioritize rest this month. Make the time. Running on all cylinders at high speed will be a futile swim upstream. Conserve your energy for the end of year crescendo when your jovial presence will be cherished. Sturdy up now for when Jupiter stations direct December 30th marking the final push through your sixth house working through lifestyle changes you initiated back in May.


Conversations among acquaintances may run deep this month as the new Moon in Scorpio occurs in your eleventh house of associations. A friend or colleague that oddly feels like family may be a thorn in your side as conditions in your tenth house of career improve now that Venus has entered Libra; its sign of composure. Your planetary guide, stoic Saturn has recently stationed direct in Pisces in your third house of correspondence and everyday affairs. In Pisces, Saturn now at least has the ability to communicate with benign lucidity.  With Neptune present in your third house as well, take advantage of its evaporating qualities to de-escalate any uncomfortable discussion that may trip your otherwise unbothered nature.


The tenth house is a place where you enact your interests through a vocation or showing up to a practice you feel called upon. This new Moon in Scorpio takes place in said tenth house where the stage you count on to shine may go through a restrictive intensification or feel like the curtain is closing. This does not necessarily have to be the case. But as Saturn, your planetary guide has recently stationed direct in Pisces in your second house of resources, be heedful of wobbly finances. With Mars, who pilots  your third house of communication in your tenth house as well, use only the words needed at this time if you need to talk yourself through some murky water.


It is an auspicious time to question avenues of knowledge you are certain of. As the Moon and Sun meet in Scorpio in your ninth house of wisdom, beliefs and higher learning you’re feeling the lethargy of predictable sources and lofty institutions of insight you once found meaningful. Theoretical fatigue has led to ennui while you feel an urge to taper and ground your focus. As your planetary guide Jupiter is still retrograde in Taurus in your third house of literary matters, count on informational roads less traveled. Renew your local library card and enjoy the sensory satisfaction of print on paper. Acquire hands on knowledge wherever possible and even better “read” the feeling of weather or the changing temperament of a passing day.

Story and Imagery by Shane Powers, Enon Valley Astrology

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