Your Full Moon Horoscope: December 2024

We are finally at the end of two independent cycles: (1) the civil calendar which ends in December, and (2) the successive squares of Jupiter and Saturn. These two are big players in the astrological world, and when they’re duking it out in our skies, we can feel tectonic plates beneath our feet shift and move. It can cause us to question our confidence, our ability to traverse tough terrain, and our capacity for belief in trying times. Mercury is just stationing direct and will trigger this square as it moves forward in Sagittarius – so we can expect elements of (mis)communication to play a role in how this all shakes out.

But after this square, we have a break – at least until summer of 2025, when the final square comes. This square will be in adjacent signs, however, moving from Pisces and Gemini to Aries and Cancer respectively. The energy shifts, and that will be a cause of celebration for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

Some relief comes to Jupiter from Venus, who is applying to Jupiter by trine from Aquarius. This suggests support comes from others, because Aquarius is one of the zodiac signs in the image of a human (i.e., the water bearer) – being in community is a help to many this month.

Your Full Moon Horoscope: December 2024


This full Moon brings a powerful opportunity for exploration and discovery, dear Aries, as the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter light up your houses of communication, travel, and learning. That isn’t to say everything is likely to go smoothly – Mercury is only just now stationing direct, and as it does so, moves toward a square with Saturn and opposition to Jupiter. This indicates the end to a trying period, with a few wrinkles left to iron out. Anticipate some delays while traveling until the new Moon of December 30. This would be a good time to watch your tone and messaging to those who are close to you. If you’ve been waiting to crack open a new book, or to re-connect with your spiritual side, I’d say now’s the time.


This is a period for turning something broken into something useful, Taurus. Your ruling planet, Venus, is separating from a tense opposition to Mars, and next contacts Jupiter by gentle trine. Have there been relationship problems, whether romantic or professional? Has something in your home life felt a bit off? I have good news: you’ve been given an opportunity to turn disappointments on their head. The trick is to force nothing, go with the flow, and allow yourself to imagine new possibilities, re-purposing things to meet the needs that exist today. I suspect you will feel this manifesting in the areas of life where your work and home lives meet. One word of warning: throwing money at a problem won’t make it go away.


We’re nearly through the woods, steadfast Gemini – this is the very last full Moon where Jupiter and Saturn antagonize each other by square (whilst Jupiter remains in your sign, that is). It’s been a long year, I know. August would’ve been tough for you, and though there ought to have been some meaningful peaks since, I can appreciate that there will have been valleys, too. Because Saturn and Jupiter are placed in Pisces and Gemini respectively, they’ve had wide license to disrupt your professional path, relationships, and even your sense of self. You have grown so much this year, seen so much, and have adapted to meet the tide as it finds you. Smoother days are head, so for this full Moon, my only advice is: enjoy yourself.


If things feel a bit slower than normal around this period for you, Cancer, don’t worry about it overmuch – there’s a lot stirring at the periphery. Mercury is ending its retrograde pass in your 6th house, which should help ease any health-related issues you may have been experiencing over the last month or so. Conversely, Mars is now retrograde in your 2nd house of finances and wealth management. This can tempt you to spend beyond your budget, so consider running big or recurring purchases with someone you can trust. Jupiter and Saturn are in square, but this shouldn’t have too big an impact on you yet – this will come more into focus next year, around your birthday. Watch for where you could benefit from more discipline; next summer, you’ll be glad you did.


There’s been a recent opposition between Venus and Mars, Leo, and it’s possible that that has produced some angst about love gone wrong. Some good news: Venus now makes its application to Jupiter by trine, which suggests that even if romance failed, a deep and fulfilling friendship is possible. If you’re in a relationship already, this configuration can help you and your partner improve your lifestyle, or – if this is in the cards for you – help you in family planning (up to and including conception). Mars will exit your sign soon, so try to make the most of the extra juice that it provides. One thing to keep in mind: Mars is retrograde, so you may be expected to revisit and revise whatever big things you set in motion now.


If career or relationship matters have felt like slow-going lately, discerning Virgo, you might be relieved to hear that we’re nearing the end of that period. Jupiter and Saturn have been in tight square for some time, and they will make their last hard aspect this month (or, rather, their next will have moved on to other signs to bother other people!). Mercury has just stationed direct, so this is going to make it a bit easier for you to move forward both personally and professionally. Mercury’s sextile to Venus indicates some rest and relaxation, and simplification in your day-to-day routines, would do you a world of good. Couldn’t come at a better time! Do watch your spending, though; the South Node is almost out of your 2nd house, and your money will go further then.

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This is the start to a creative month for you, Libra. Your ruling planet, Venus, is in your 5th house of creative (and romantic) pursuits. Have some fun. Rare as it is for me to suggest, it might be the time to set some responsibilities aside and surrender to leisure and revelry. The 5th house is also given to physical and romantic intimacy – so why not make the most of this and spice your love life up a bit? This isn’t the kind of Venus placement that weighs down passion with themes of commitment and obligation, but rather, enjoying sensuality for its own sake. Mercury is stationing direct in your 3rd house of communication, so it might also be the right time to write, journal, read, or pick up negotiations if they’ve been on hold.


It appears you’re navigating the wake of some recent conflict, Scorpio. Could be relational, as your ruling planet’s opposition to Venus brings in your 7th house of relationships. Or, it could be professional, given Mars’ placement in your 10th house of career. Whatever the case, it looks like it was a bit of the shock, and both of you are on the retreat. Venus will next make an application to Jupiter by trine, which could help you find some forgiveness with the offended person – but first, you will need to show some contrition, and be prepared to listen. You’ll be happy to know that things ought to be progressing for you financially over the coming weeks, although there may be one or two final ‘hurdles’ to pass over before everything feels calm.


Alright, Sagittarius, it might be a good idea to brace yourself for the tides coming this full Moon. You and the other mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Pisces) have been weathering a storm for the better part of the year that’s now coming to its final hour. Because of the positioning of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, the main areas of life (self, relationships, home, career) are all fair game in terms of where this strain manifests. You likely already know where the theme of disappointment and feeling stuck is strongest. Saturn’s heavy hand will be behind you by this time next month, so forge forward for now and keep expectations realistic – or better yet, wait, because even better odds are just around the corner.


While this isn’t a good time to be signing new agreements or contracts, industrious Capricorn, there certainly are themes of good financial success coming out of this period (and building on what we saw last full Moon). Venus is in your 2nd house of income and wealth, and as Venus rules your 10th house, there’s good reason to believe this shows increase and continued investment in your professional life. If you employ others, Venus’s trine to Jupiter in your 6th shows good things to come from those who work for you. But this is also a good period for you to relax a bit, and let things take a slower pace. The Sun will be moving into your sign soon (happy early birthday!), and things are likely to pick up then.


Mars is retrograde in your 7th house of relationships, dear Aquarius, and that can stir problems for even the most committed and ‘locked-in’ couples. Venus is in your 1st house and next applies to Jupiter in your 5th house, so themes of reconciliation and joy are ahead. I also wonder if Venus in your 1st house makes this a particularly good season for giving and receiving gifts for you. Aquarius isn’t typically known for its thoughtful gift-giving, so perhaps put a little more effort into it this year, as I suspect that attentiveness will come back to you threefold. But Saturn is still in your 2nd house of finances, so do try to keep your spending under control. This is about thought and consideration, not running the well dry.


You’ve been under a bit of strain this year, but the good news – as we’ve been building up to since August’s full Moon – is that after this full Moon in Gemini, the tide finally changes. Saturn has been in your sign for some time, since 2023, and is only a few weeks turned to forward motion. Now, your ruling planet, Jupiter, comes to square Saturn in Pisces for the last time. That is likely to produce feelings of being caught between two positions. Venus offers a helping hand from the 12th house, suggesting that with some quiet repose, reflection, meditation, you can find a sure path forward. Venus rules your 3rd house, so this could also indicate thoughtful help from a neighbor, sibling, or a carefully delivered word to the right person.


Wade Caves, based in Brooklyn, NY, is an astrological consultant and educator specializing in problem-solving applications of astrology. He teaches astrological divination and astronomy at the School of Traditional Astrology. Wade also publishes his work on world astrology through Skyscript’s In Mundo publishing desk and hosts the World Astrology Summit, a conference dedicated to the advancement of astrology for global problem-solving. Website: • Email:

Story by Wade Caves
Photo by Vedrana Filipović

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