4 Striking Upcoming Pittsburgh Arts Events

New to Pittsburgh, Adam W. McKinney, artistic director of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, has a few calendar highlights to share with TABLE readers. 

Frida… A Self Portrait

Pittsburgh Public Theater, 621 Penn Avenue
June 7-25 

Frida Kahlo’s life was her art. As an artist myself, I am inspired by her commitment to viewing her experience of the world through the lens of color, her surroundings, and herself. I can’t wait to see her story come to life on stage. 

Pittsburgh International Jazz Festival

Hosted by August Wilson African American Cultural Center
September 15-17 

I am a big fan of jazz music. As a new Pittsburgher, I look forward to the public nature of the Pittsburgh International Jazz Festival and experiencing the lineup together as a community. 

Somewhere Over the Border

City Theatre, 1300 Bingham Street
September 23-October 15 

I am excited to see Somewhere Over the Border! The amalgamation of story, centering Latinx cultural traditions and experiences and problematizing the notion of “home” moves me. 

Light In the Dark

Byham Theater, 101 Sixth Street
October 27-29 

Pittsburgh Ballet’s season opener is going to be emotionally riveting and beautiful. The program’s central work, a world premiere by Jennifer Archibald, celebrates the life of Florence Waren, a Jewish dancer who lived in Paris and worked with the French Resistance during World War II. You won’t want to miss this powerful evening of dance. 

Story by Adam W. McKinney


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